Loading Options

EVT plants can be loaded in a wide variety of ways. The first decision is whether manual or automatic loading is needed.

This is followed by specific choices, such as loading

  • by crane,
  • pallet jack,
  • robot,
  • loading table, or by an
  • automatic loading system.

The individual design of our degreasing systems according to the needs of our customers also requires an individual design of the feed. This created automatic loading systems developed in-house by our company.

So we can consider the highest possible individuality in the construction of the system also in the loading options. Spatial conditions at the future location or special features of the components and batches are included to 100%.

We enable unmanned operation over several hours via appropriately designed inlet and outlet lanes. Here, an RFID chip on the basket controls the program change, which controls the system accordingly.

We equip our EVT loading systems with chain-driven accumulation conveyors.

The advantage over conventional roller conveyors is that the baskets are carried by the chains instead of simply rolling. When the baskets are stowed, the chains continue to run underneath them and the rollers roll under the baskets. This means that the baskets are transported faster after the stowage is released.